ECCN London 2025

On behalf of the European Congress for Clinical Neurophysiology (ECCN) organising and scientific committee, we are delighted to announce the proposal submission process for ECCN 2025 is now open!

The ECCN has a well-deserved reputation for scientific and educational excellence and the Scientific Organising Committee SOC would like you to contribute to this.

There is the option to submit a proposal for symposiateaching courses and workshops. All submissions must be in English. Please read carefully the guidelines.

The SOC will review all proposals and will be responsible for the final selection/creation of sessions. Presentations and/or speakers may be changed or amended to fit the overall programme as the SOC deems it appropriate. Deadline for submission is 16 September 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you in Central Hall Westminster, London and thank you for your important contribution to ECCN.

To submit a proposal please scan the QR code or click on the image below.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks and Kind Regards,

ECCN Events Team

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